Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Thursday, February 24: Will today's latest additions to our 200+ Kindle Freebies leave you Ravenous for more? plus ... A Snake in Paradise by Brenda Sedore (Today's Sponsor)

Three brand new additions to our 225+ Free Book Alert listings this morning, beginning with Dayna Macy's 5-star Ravenous: A Food Lover's Journey from Obsession to Freedom ....

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

A near castration, an escape to Italy, unwanted fame and too many handsome men are just the beginning for Aja Rain...

"This book has it all. Tears, fears, laugh out loud lines, spine tingling moments and unexpected romance."
--Lori Gordan

A Snake in Paradise 
by Brenda Sedore
4.3 out of 5 stars   9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
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"A Must Read!"

Here's the set-up:
Aja Rain flees to Italy for peace and quiet after an accident where she nearly castrates her ex-boyfriend. She becomes a media sensation when all she wants to do is move on with her life. Italy is full of hot Italian men, but Aja is afraid to trust her heart again. Pietro and Marco are impossible to resist. How can she choose between them?

Everything is thrown into turmoil when she realizes Stephen, the ex, has followed her across the ocean, determined to get his revenge. Aja thought she would be safe and protected with her new friends in Italy.

She couldn’t have been more wrong.

What the Reviewers Say
"This is a wonderful book about romance and vendetta at the same time. An easy read. I loved the characters. Brenda has a way of bringing her characters to life."
--Suzi Reece

"Loved it! It kept me hooked, made me laugh and best of all, I fell in love with the characters. I would recommend it to all types. Well done!"
--Laura Oig

There's a new voice in woman's fiction and it belongs to Brenda Sedore. A Snake in Paradise is an engaging read, one I highly recommend. Aja's world is turned upside down when the slip of a knife sets a vengeful plot in motion. The most appealing aspect in this book is the way Brenda effortlessly draws us into the story. The characters sparkle, pulling us into their world, giving the reader a sense that they are part of the action, whether it's the strong female friendships, or the fending off of the attentions of the devastatingly appealing male Italian characters. You'll find yourself cheering Aja on in her brave quest to rebuild her life, despite the repeated attempts of her ex to destroy her. This book has it all. Tears, fears, laugh out loud lines, spine tingling moments and unexpected romance.

Brenda Sedore is a skilled wordsmith, making us feel the emotions of her characters, while spinning an enticing plot, making this book one that is hard to put down. There are a few unexpected twists, guaranteed to please readers. The descriptions are vivid, the characters make you wish you could sit down and enjoy a glass of wine with them. I give this book five stars, it never disappoints, and am eagerly anticipating Ms. Sedore's next novel. 
--Lori Gordan

About the Author

Being born in the wine country of Northern California started Brenda's lifelong love of the grape. She moved to Canada as a teenager and eventually ended up in wine country again. It's probably not a great surprise that wine is a large part of her debut novel, A Snake in Paradise.

Brenda has been writing for over a dozen years. Her goal as a writer is to tell great stories, but also to leave her readers with memorable characters; ones they think of as friends. Brenda writes in Kelowna, BC with her husband, Author Daryl Sedore.

Click here to download A Snake in Paradise (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download

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