Sunday, February 27, 2011

Are We Better or Worse Off, with Kindle?

Remember the question that helped vault Ronald Reagan into the presidency back in 1980? With apologies to President Reagan's debate prep team, a slightly different version of that question occurred to me the other day as I was finishing work on a chapter of a new book that I'm co-authoring with Martin Higgins, co-founder of

"As readers, are we better or worse off than we were when the Kindle was launched on November 19, 2007?"

I put the question out there on the Kindle Nation Facebook page -- by the way, stop by and say hello! -- and got some interesting responses, which I will post below. 

What do you think? Please post a comment on Facebook or email your thoughts to!

    • John Nelson  
      Far, far better off.

    • Cindy Keim  
      Way better off!!!!

    • Pauline 
      I know people who read MORE since they got a Kindle!

    • Cliff 
      I know I've read more with my Kindle, and I've only had it for a month.

    • Brenda

    • Emma
      I think we are much better off! I know I am! Revisiting classics, reading genres and authors I may never have thought of before, and reading everything faster! What's not better off?

    • Tracy 
      Kindle is a wonderful thing ♥

    • William
      Better off. I still prefer DTBs, but no doubt the Kindle is a wonderful invention. My wife certainly loves hers.

    • Paulette
      Much better off. I have not met/heard anyone complain about not liking their Kindle. Certainly, I have read more and my husband loves his. Thanks KINDLE.

    • Leslie
      I am definitely reading more, discovering new authors and genres. The only problem I have with my Kindle is that it's so hard to put down, and I'm neglecting other things. Guess I'll have to hire a maid!

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