Sunday, February 20, 2011

An Ominously Realistic Thriller With A Love Story, A Love Story That Thrills: David Baldacci meets Elmore Leonard in our eBook of the Day, David Lender's Trojan Horse -- Here's a free sample!

Join us in discovering a bona fide 5-star international thriller, David Lender's Trojan Horse.
Here's the set-up:

Daniel Youngblood is a world-weary oil and gas investment banker who’s ready to hit the beach when he’s hired by a Saudi Prince for an OPEC deal where he can net himself $25 million as a swan song. 

At the same time, he meets and falls in love with Lydia, an exotic European fashion photographer.  He later discovers she is really Sasha, a CIA-trained spy for the Saudi Prince. Sasha convinces Daniel to enlist in what becomes a race for the lovers to stop a Muslim terrorist internet plot to bring down the Saudi royal family and cripple the world’s oil capacity, all before they wind up dead.

17 reviewers gave Trojan Horse 5 Stars, 2 gave it 4 Stars. Reviewer Mary Clair sums it up:  "This novel is an intricate piece of work, so it makes the grade. I loved this book. It starts off with a bang, the assassination 20 years ago of a Saudi prince, followed by his father's sworn oath to track down the killers, including Sasha, the young prince's concubine. Then a new group of characters and motives are introduced, some confusing at first, but all to be explained later as the author weaves it together. This includes flashbacks into the life of the concubine, which are fascinating but at first don't seem to tie to the story at hand. Read on. Again the author ties it into a more complex departure for the plot. Then the final push in the last half of the book, where I read it in one gasp, turning pages as fast as I could. Gripping, surprising and enjoyable."

And from other 5-Star Reviews:

....a love story enclosed in an international thriller. I got all that I asked for. 

This was the most fun I've had immersing myself in a book in a while

Always pleased with a good thrill, but thrilled when a girl gets a good romance, too.

Wow! I loved this book, but more than that I loved the Sasha character! She has the potential to carry a terrific series. She's all woman but she stands up to the big boys by using all her gifts. She's got brains, beauty, moxie, panache and determination like I haven't seen in a female lead character in a long time.

David Lender writes thrillers set in the financial sector based on his over 25 year career as a Wall Street investment banker. He draws on an insider's knowledge from his career in mergers and acquisitions with Merrill Lynch, Rothschild and Bank of America for the international settings, obsessively driven personalities and real-world financial intrigues of his novels. 

His characters range from David Baldacci-like corporate power brokers to Elmore Leonard-esque misfits and scam artists. His plots reveal the egos and ruthlessness that motivate the players in the financial sector, as well as the inner workings of the most powerful of our financial institutions.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample: 

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