Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Saturday, February 19: Christmas in February! plus ... Shuab Parvez' The Messiah of Green Street is a funny, poignant story of a prodigal boy (Today's Sponsor)

The publishers of today's latest addition to our Kindle Nation Free Book Alert listings might have preferred for their story of a Little Elf in Big Trouble to turn up free in the Kindle Store on December 19 rather than February 19, but that's no impediment for the citizens of Kindle Nation. Just download it today, since it is free today, and keep it safely in the Kindle Kloud until you or the children in your life start feeling that whole holiday thing sometime after Black Friday ....

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

When Sahil comes out of the womb speaking both Hebrew and Arabic, the London immigrant community of his parents reacts with superstition and adulation...

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"This is a book that drew me in rather quickly"

Here's the set-up:

The Messiah of Green Street tells the story of Sahil, born to Bangladeshi immigrants Karim and Anjana in the deprived melting pot of Upton Park, London. This strange-looking prodigal of a boy – who can allegedly speak Arabic and Hebrew from birth - is greeted as a miracle and ‘a child of the world’, but the superstitious adulation of his community slowly ebbs and sours as the realities of life as a disenfranchised and dispossessed second generation immigrant take over. 

The story of Sahil and his family, of their friends, relatives and neighbors is mordantly satirical, deeply poignant and very funny. As Sahil grows into adulthood and becomes more and more disillusioned with his lot, his reluctant attempts to connect with his roots, buried under the weight of slavery, colonialism and racial hatred, take him in unexpected directions on the way to his own particular truth.

What reviewer Sue B. says
"The book begins by telling of the birth of a child to Bangladeshi parents in a London suburb. This child, who is named Sahil, is considered a sort of "messiah" by his community and others being that he is born multi-racial with the features of (and I quote from the book): 'the nose of a Jew, the lips of a black man, the hair of an Asian, the build of a caucasian, and the eyes of a lost Indian tribesman." Also, the baby is born "big, too big for a newborn baby.'

"He is named Sahil, and it is discovered that he is able to speak in "perfect Arabic and Hebrew" from the moment of birth! Definitely, this child is a prodigy by any description, and the book tells of how his birth affects his community." 

About the Author
Shuab Parvez is a novelist based in East London, UK. He studied law at Oxford University and has traveled extensively throughout Eastern Europe, USA and the Far East.

Click here to download THE MESSIAH OF GREEN STREET (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download

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