Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Tuesday, March 8: Eight Brand New Freebies! plus ... Angel Fire by Valmore Daniels (Today's Sponsor)

Pay Fewer Taxes? Start a Business? Understand Your Tween Girl? Handle Tough Questions? Find Contentment? All this and more in this morning's latest additions to our 220+ Free Book Alert listings....

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

"My name is Darcy Anderson, and I am cursed with a dark power: Whenever my life is in danger, something inside me summons elemental fire to protect me. I cannot control this."

Darcy Anderson has an uncontrollable dark power that reacts to deadly threats with lethal fire. This inner blaze is so powerful that it burned down Anderson's house with her parents inside....

Angel Fire: The First Book of Fallen Angels 
by Valmore Daniels
4.2 out of 5 stars   4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
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"Very Real Fantasy"

Here's the set-up:
The first of five novels in the Fallen Angels saga: 

My name is Darcy Anderson, and I am cursed with a dark power: Whenever my life is in danger, something inside me summons elemental fire to protect me. I cannot control this.

One night, I was attacked in my home. The fire ... it raged out of control. I survived the inferno, but my house burned to the ground - with my parents inside.

I was at a loss to explain to the courts what happened, and so they sent me to prison for ten years for manslaughter.

Now I'm out on parole, and all I want is to return to my home town and rebuild my life; but the man who attacked me is back to finish the job he started.

I can sense the power in me growing. If I can't control it, it will control me and destroy everything - and everyone - I love.

Included is an excerpt of "The Gods of Dream" by fantasy author Daniel Arenson

What the Reviewers Say
"If you're looking for a down-to-earth, realistic story of what could happen to someone with the inexplicable ability to call up fire (but not the ability to control it), this is a good read."
--Tammi Rapp

"Valmore Daniels has written a complex and well-rounded character in Darcy Anderson, a woman who can set fire to things telepathically. The book opens with her leaving prison after doing 10 years for killing her parents in a fire which she accidentally started. The rest of the book focuses on Darcy coming to terms not only with what she did and her strange "affliction" but also the trials and tribulations of returning to her hometown where she's essentially an outcast... I highly recommend this book. The Fallen Angels series is going to be terrific if this first book is any indication."
--C J Archer

"This could be any family, yours, mine or a family down the street. Their history, their conflicts, their feelings, wants and needs are very real. One of the things that draw me to the urban fantasy genre is both having a human story along with fantastic elements, and I felt this story did that for me. I'm really looking forward to the next four books."
--Susan S

About the Author
In true nomadic spirit, Valmore Daniels has lived on the coasts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans, and dozens of points in between.

An insatiable thirst for new experiences has led him to work in several fields, including legal research, elderly care, oil & gas administration, web design, government service, human resources, and retail business management.

His enthusiasm for travel is only surpassed by his passion for telling tall tales. Visit him at www.ValmoreDaniels.com

Click here to download Angel Fire: The First Book of Fallen Angels (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

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