Friday, March 4, 2011

Alien Zombie Terror in Appalachia! Scott Nicholson's FOREVER NEVER ENDS is our eBook of the Day - Just $0.99 on Kindle

When an alien entity lands in remote Southern Appalachia, a clairvoyant psychology professor, a drunken dirt farmer, and a disillusioned tycoon team up to stop it before the infection spreads. From the author of Kindle Nation favorites like The Red Church and Disintegration, a new kind of zombie, an otherworldly reaper...

Here's the set-up for Scott Nicholson's Forever Never Ends, just 99 cents on Kindle:

The alien roots spread into the forest and feed on the surrounding organisms, altering the life forms it encounters. Plants wilt from the contact, trees wither, animals become deformed monstrosities, and people become botanical zombies driven to convert their neighbors.

Tamara Leon must control the telepathic connection she develops with the alien and attempt to understand it in order to destroy it. But the psychic bond could consume her as she leads her unlikely partners into battle.

The alien doesn’t want to devastate the world. It only wants to survive. But so do the people whose metabolism has become food for an otherworldly reaper.

 DRM-free and only 99 cents for a limited time.

Plaudits from other authors:

"Fast paced and always creepy, this is one author that aims to kill and never misses.” – Jeremy Robinson, author of INSTINCT and THRESHOLD

"Hold onto your pants, because Nicholson is about to scare them off."- J.A. Konrath, ORIGIN

"Always surprises and always entertains."- Jonathan Maberry, PATIENT ZERO and ROT & RUIN

"A gallery of fine characters, a remote location, and an alien entity bent on feeding. Nicholson has cooked up a perfect tale from this simple recipe, and the result will fill your dreams."--William Meikle, author of THE INVASION and THE VALLEY

"A fresh and true voice that will affect you, disturb you, enrage you, or make you laugh. He will not, however, leave you cold."--Kevin J. Anderson, co-author of the Dune series 

"I live in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, and much of my fiction is based on mountain legends, local haunted places, and strange events. I was inspired by my grandmother's storytelling, and have always written as long as I can remember.

"My novels include the Kindle bestsellers Disintegration, The Red Church, Speed Dating with the Dead, and The Skull Ring, as well as eight other novels, including the urban fantasy Cursed! with J.R. Rain and the paranormal romance series October Girls. I've also created the comics Grave Conditions and DIRT and have written six screenplays, several of which are available on Kindle.

"Look for my new thriller LIQUID FEAR on April 1.

"My web site has writing advice, fiction excerpts, art and samples from my comic books, my movie work, and numerous essays."

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

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