Thursday, March 10, 2011

In Richard Jackson's sci fi thriller of futuristic "extreme broadcasting," everyone gets what they have coming in the end. Here's a free sample of Fall from Grace, our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day at just 99 cents!

In today's Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, "caster" Tyler is living a life of action and adventure--until he loses his job and comes face to face with the darker side of a futuristic broadcasting industry. He soon learns there is much more for him to lose ... and much farther to fall.  Just 99 cents on Kindle!  

Here's the set-up for Richard Jackson's Fall from Grace:  

Imagine futuristic broadcasters giving you not only the images and the words of news events, but the emotions as well.  It would take a special kind of reporter to let you tune into his fear, anxiety, hope, exaultation and passion by way of special implants, a special kind of journalist like Tyler.
As a Caster, Tyler uses cybernetic implants to broadcast his emotions and experiences to the viewers at home. He is living a life of action and adventure--until he loses his job. Now he must hustle illegal broadcasts and take odd jobs to survive.

When his agent is killed, Tyler is framed for the crime. With his only allies--an ex-cop turned criminal and a bartending medical student--Tyler is plunged into the middle of a mystery and comes face to face with the darker side of the broadcasting industry. Tyler soon learns there is much more for him to lose...and much farther to fall.

A Reviewer Summarizes:

Extreme Broadcasting...

Imagine a world where you not only see the news but you can also experience it while it's happening.

Now meet Tyler, a `caster' who would do anything for a great story. After this superstar falls from grace, he begins to see life through new eyes.

Jackson does a terrific job creating a world that's sure to put you on the edge of your seat. Not only is the main character well done, but all the supporting characters are finely tuned as well. Even the psycho killer is someone you will love to hate. Take the time to read this adventure packed thriller, a great read and an author worth watching.

And here's your free sample:

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