Thursday, March 17, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Has Moved

Thanks for visiting Kindle Nation Daily. Please click here and bookmark this new URL address for our spiffy new website:

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Steve Windwalker

Kindle Nation Daily Has Moved

Thanks for visiting Kindle Nation Daily. Please click here and bookmark this new URL address for our spiffy new website:

Please email me at if you have any difficulty finding the new website. (Difficulties in reaching a new website with slightly different URL sometimes indicate a need to clear the cache in your browser. For instructions on how to clear the cache in your browser click here.)

Steve Windwalker

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day: A sweeping 3-volume set of Gordon Ryan's sweeping family saga Spirit of Union, all in one for just $3.99 -- and here's a free sample!

Gordon Ryan's sweeping family saga Spirit of Union follows the Callahan family from its roots in Ireland to the US and around the world. Now you can read the entire 820-page trilogy in a single Kindle book for just $3.99!  

Here's the set-up:

Gordon Ryan has been a traditionally published author since 1994. In 2010, Pegasus Publishing republished each of his former novels and released his new thrillers, State of Rebellion and Uncivil Liberties.

Vol. I - Destiny: Fleeing an abusive father and a hopeless life in Ireland in 1895, nineteen-year-old Tom Callahan takes passage on a ship bound for America. On board, he meets Katrina Hansen, a young Norwegian woman traveling to Utah. It's not a likely match. The brash Irishman is a Catholic, a brawler and a young man without prospects. Destiny is a sprawling historical novel set at the turn of the 19th century, played out in such far-flung places as New York City, the gold fields of Alaska and Old Mexico.

Vol. II - Conflict: It's 1917 and American has entered World War I. The Callahan's son has joined with what President Woodrow Wilson is calling "the fight to make the world safe for democracy." Set against turbulent events in world history and filled with vivid scenes as well as tender emotions, Conflict takes the reader around the world.

Vol. III - Heritage: Tom and Katrina Callahan's three children have grown up and are making their way in a world that is propelling itself toward World War II. Tess has her heart set on a Hollywood movie career; PJ is a successful sheep rancher in New Zealand and Tommy is pursuing his career in the Marine Corps and learning not only about war, but about the perils of romance. In this, the final volume of Spirit of Union, Gordon Ryan follows Tom and Katrina into their middle and late years. Living in a time when aviation is becoming a viable industry, the stock market is booming and Hitler's evil machinations are on the horizon, the world, and the Callahans, are embroiled on every front. Set in Hawaii, the Dominican Republic, South America, Great Britain and the United States, Heritage is filled with scenes and characters that will linger in your mind long after you close the book.

Gordon Ryan is a writer with a varied history. He has lived and worked in six nations and a dozen or more states, including Alaska. He was a Recon Marine in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and served in the Air Force in Thailand during the Vietnam War.  He also served as a member of the American Embassy staff in Dublin, Ireland, during the violent seventies. 

His first published novel, Dangerous Legacy, was released in 1994 and he has published nine more over the intervening years.  The "Pug Connor" novels, State of Rebellion and Uncivil Liberties are his newest releases. 

Needing to feed his family, he never gave up his day job as a city manager and chief executive of large homeowners' associations, but once he discovered the joys of fiction, writing has been the driving force. Now writing full-time, Gordon and his wife, Colleen, spend their time between the American northwest and the beautiful South Pacific.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day: A sweeping 3-volume set of Gordon Ryan's sweeping family saga Spirit of Union, all in one for just $3.99 -- and here's a free sample!

Gordon Ryan's sweeping family saga Spirit of Union follows the Callahan family from its roots in Ireland to the US and around the world. Now you can read the entire 820-page trilogy in a single Kindle book for just $3.99!  

Here's the set-up:

Gordon Ryan has been a traditionally published author since 1994. In 2010, Pegasus Publishing republished each of his former novels and released his new thrillers, State of Rebellion and Uncivil Liberties.

Vol. I - Destiny: Fleeing an abusive father and a hopeless life in Ireland in 1895, nineteen-year-old Tom Callahan takes passage on a ship bound for America. On board, he meets Katrina Hansen, a young Norwegian woman traveling to Utah. It's not a likely match. The brash Irishman is a Catholic, a brawler and a young man without prospects. Destiny is a sprawling historical novel set at the turn of the 19th century, played out in such far-flung places as New York City, the gold fields of Alaska and Old Mexico.

Vol. II - Conflict: It's 1917 and American has entered World War I. The Callahan's son has joined with what President Woodrow Wilson is calling "the fight to make the world safe for democracy." Set against turbulent events in world history and filled with vivid scenes as well as tender emotions, Conflict takes the reader around the world.

Vol. III - Heritage: Tom and Katrina Callahan's three children have grown up and are making their way in a world that is propelling itself toward World War II. Tess has her heart set on a Hollywood movie career; PJ is a successful sheep rancher in New Zealand and Tommy is pursuing his career in the Marine Corps and learning not only about war, but about the perils of romance. In this, the final volume of Spirit of Union, Gordon Ryan follows Tom and Katrina into their middle and late years. Living in a time when aviation is becoming a viable industry, the stock market is booming and Hitler's evil machinations are on the horizon, the world, and the Callahans, are embroiled on every front. Set in Hawaii, the Dominican Republic, South America, Great Britain and the United States, Heritage is filled with scenes and characters that will linger in your mind long after you close the book.

Gordon Ryan is a writer with a varied history. He has lived and worked in six nations and a dozen or more states, including Alaska. He was a Recon Marine in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and served in the Air Force in Thailand during the Vietnam War.  He also served as a member of the American Embassy staff in Dublin, Ireland, during the violent seventies. 

His first published novel, Dangerous Legacy, was released in 1994 and he has published nine more over the intervening years.  The "Pug Connor" novels, State of Rebellion and Uncivil Liberties are his newest releases. 

Needing to feed his family, he never gave up his day job as a city manager and chief executive of large homeowners' associations, but once he discovered the joys of fiction, writing has been the driving force. Now writing full-time, Gordon and his wife, Colleen, spend their time between the American northwest and the beautiful South Pacific.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Wednesday, March 16: 200+ Free Contemporary Kindle Titles Freshly Baked for You! plus ... Fair Warning: Prepare to Be Enchanted by Imogen Rose's FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) (Today's Sponsor)

In 2009 there was Stephenie Meyer. In 2010 you met Amanda Hocking. Now it's 2011, and it's time to say hello to Imogen Rose ... on your way to this morning's latest additions to our 200+ Free Book Alert listings....

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

After the amazing success of author Imogen Rose's Portal Chronicles, we would have been foolish to doubt that she would create another pitch-perfect series....

Still a doubter?

Start reading now at the unbelievable price of 99 cents!

"Faustine is full of adventure, witches, demons, Wanderers, vampires oh my! Full of surprises, fun..."

FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) 
by Imogen Rose
4.7 out of 5 stars   15 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don't have a Kindle? Get yours here.

"Imogen Rose is a genius... an evil genius"

Here's the set-up: 
Who is Faustine? When Faustine Spencer was five years old, she discovered a secret that changed her life forever. At twelve, her parents sent her to Bonfire Academy in Switzerland to ensure that she received the training needed to control her increasing powers.

Three years later, Faustine returns to Manhattan. All she wants is to be a typical teenager, at least, one that's part of the in-crowd at her Upper East Side High School. When drop-dead gorgeous Ryker, her long-time crush from the Academy, finally notices her, she couldn't be happier.

However, her desire for a normal life is shattered when her father, a prominent sovereign, disappears after naming her as his successor. Her siblings begin to disappear, and Faustine finds herself in the midst of a power struggle. With her life in danger, Faustine must learn to follow one of Bonfire Academy's most important rules: Trust no one.

What the Reviewers Say
"I did not think it was possible for Imogen Rose to top her Portal Series. Well, she proved me wrong and I am glad she did. FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) is one of those books that any young adult will love to read. However, they will have to figure out a way to pry it out of the hands of the older folks first.

"Faustine is different and most of her friends are different. You will love the oddball characters and the supernatural powers that make them all different...
Read Faustine and you will fall in love with her and want to follow her as she goes on adventures. You will not regret tagging along with Faustine."
--Frankie S.
"The story itself is well written. The storyline unfolds with grace and and pace. The plot is well-thought-out and well-planned, but leaves enough room to add in a few surprises. I was shocked when I learned Faustine's secret. It came a bit out of left field, but a very pleasant surprise - I was folded in and felt invested in her life and what was going on around (and within) her."
--Candy Beauchamp, Vine 500 Reviewer 

"Honestly this book has more twists than a whole bag of pretzels! It had a very epic feel to it. I got completely lost in it and read on anxiously to find out what happened next."
--Misty Rayburn

About the Author

Imogen Rose is the author of the bestselling YA series, the Portal Chronicles. She was born in a small town in Sweden and moved to London in her twenties. After obtaining a PhD in immunology from Imperial College, she moved with her family to New Jersey, where she's been based for the past ten years.

For as long as she can remember, Imogen has dreamt stories. Stories that continued from night to night, from dream to dream. So, even as a child, going to bed was never an issue, just an anticipation of the story to come.

Portal, Imogen's first novel, would have remained in her imagination, to be shared only with her daughter, Lauren, had her eight-year-old not insisted that she write it down. In the course of a month, Imogen typed while Lauren waited eagerly by the printer for the pages to appear, and a novel took shape. The warm reception Portal received encouraged her to continue with the story and the Portal Chronicles. Book two (Equilibrium) and book three (Quantum) are now available. Book four, Momentum, will be available this summer. Faustine is Imogen's first book in her new series, the Bonfire Chronicles.

Imogen is a self-confessed Hermès addict who enjoys shopping, traveling, watching movies and playing with her dog, Tallulah.
Click here to download FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download

Each day's list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.
Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 
Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Wednesday, March 16: 200+ Free Contemporary Kindle Titles Freshly Baked for You! plus ... Fair Warning: Prepare to Be Enchanted by Imogen Rose's FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) (Today's Sponsor)

In 2009 there was Stephenie Meyer. In 2010 you met Amanda Hocking. Now it's 2011, and it's time to say hello to Imogen Rose ... on your way to this morning's latest additions to our 200+ Free Book Alert listings....

But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor

After the amazing success of author Imogen Rose's Portal Chronicles, we would have been foolish to doubt that she would create another pitch-perfect series....

Still a doubter?

Start reading now at the unbelievable price of 99 cents!

"Faustine is full of adventure, witches, demons, Wanderers, vampires oh my! Full of surprises, fun..."

FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) 
by Imogen Rose
4.7 out of 5 stars   15 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don't have a Kindle? Get yours here.

"Imogen Rose is a genius... an evil genius"

Here's the set-up: 
Who is Faustine? When Faustine Spencer was five years old, she discovered a secret that changed her life forever. At twelve, her parents sent her to Bonfire Academy in Switzerland to ensure that she received the training needed to control her increasing powers.

Three years later, Faustine returns to Manhattan. All she wants is to be a typical teenager, at least, one that's part of the in-crowd at her Upper East Side High School. When drop-dead gorgeous Ryker, her long-time crush from the Academy, finally notices her, she couldn't be happier.

However, her desire for a normal life is shattered when her father, a prominent sovereign, disappears after naming her as his successor. Her siblings begin to disappear, and Faustine finds herself in the midst of a power struggle. With her life in danger, Faustine must learn to follow one of Bonfire Academy's most important rules: Trust no one.

What the Reviewers Say
"I did not think it was possible for Imogen Rose to top her Portal Series. Well, she proved me wrong and I am glad she did. FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) is one of those books that any young adult will love to read. However, they will have to figure out a way to pry it out of the hands of the older folks first.

"Faustine is different and most of her friends are different. You will love the oddball characters and the supernatural powers that make them all different...
Read Faustine and you will fall in love with her and want to follow her as she goes on adventures. You will not regret tagging along with Faustine."
--Frankie S.
"The story itself is well written. The storyline unfolds with grace and and pace. The plot is well-thought-out and well-planned, but leaves enough room to add in a few surprises. I was shocked when I learned Faustine's secret. It came a bit out of left field, but a very pleasant surprise - I was folded in and felt invested in her life and what was going on around (and within) her."
--Candy Beauchamp, Vine 500 Reviewer 

"Honestly this book has more twists than a whole bag of pretzels! It had a very epic feel to it. I got completely lost in it and read on anxiously to find out what happened next."
--Misty Rayburn

About the Author

Imogen Rose is the author of the bestselling YA series, the Portal Chronicles. She was born in a small town in Sweden and moved to London in her twenties. After obtaining a PhD in immunology from Imperial College, she moved with her family to New Jersey, where she's been based for the past ten years.

For as long as she can remember, Imogen has dreamt stories. Stories that continued from night to night, from dream to dream. So, even as a child, going to bed was never an issue, just an anticipation of the story to come.

Portal, Imogen's first novel, would have remained in her imagination, to be shared only with her daughter, Lauren, had her eight-year-old not insisted that she write it down. In the course of a month, Imogen typed while Lauren waited eagerly by the printer for the pages to appear, and a novel took shape. The warm reception Portal received encouraged her to continue with the story and the Portal Chronicles. Book two (Equilibrium) and book three (Quantum) are now available. Book four, Momentum, will be available this summer. Faustine is Imogen's first book in her new series, the Bonfire Chronicles.

Imogen is a self-confessed Hermès addict who enjoys shopping, traveling, watching movies and playing with her dog, Tallulah.
Click here to download FAUSTINE (Bonfire Chronicles Book One) (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

UK CUSTOMERS: Click on the title below to download

Each day's list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.
Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 
Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.